Praia da Luz & The Algarve Information

Praia da Luz Guide

Portuguese Food Words
Luz Holiday Information

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Portuguese Shopping Words -

A few useful Portuguese Words whilst Shopping

Portuguese Food Words This page contains Portuguese translations for common types of food and drink. Hopefully making your shopping trip a shade easier. You can always ask if in doubt, but try to describe Bay Leaves ( Louro ) to a shop assistant in a hyper market!

 Shopping Tip :  When food shopping ( particularly if you are on a budget ), avoid expensive imported brands, even if 'you always have' xxxxx's brand of tea / coffee, tomato sauce etc back home. Tinned goods especially are well overpriced. In most cases, the Portuguese equivalent is generally as good in quality and will always be better value.


Portuguese Description
Agua Water.
Agua com gaz Sparkling water.
Agua sem gaz Still water.
Cha Tea.
Cerveja Beer.
Vinho Wine.
Sandes Sandwich.

Dairy Products

Portuguese Description
(Leite) Gordo Milk Whole. Usually in dark green coloured cartons.
Meio Gordo Milk Semi-skimmed. Usually in light green coloured cartons
Magro Milk Skimmed. Usually in blue cartons.
Manteiga Butter
Margarina Margarine
Queijo Cheese.
Queijo da cabra Cheese Goat's.
Fish DishesFish Dishes

Fish ( Peixe ) & Shellfish ( Marisco )

Atum Tuna Ameijoa Clam
Bacalhau Cod Berbigão Cockle
Besugo Bream Sea Búzio Whelk
Carapau Mackerel ( Small ) Camarão Prawn
Cavala Mackerel Carangueijo Crab
Cherne Grouper Conquilha  Clam ( Small )
Choco cuttlefish Lagosta Lobster
Dourada Bream Lingueirão Clam Razor
Espadarte Swordfish Mexhilhão Mussel
Linguado Sole Ostra Oyster
Lula Squid Perceve Barnacle
Moreia Eel Moray Sapateira Crab ( Large )
Pargo Snapper / sea bream    
Peixe espada Scabbard fish    
Pescada Hake    
Polvo Octopus    
Robalo Bass Sea    
Safio Eel small Conger    
Salmão Salmon    
Salmonete Mullet    
Sardinha Sardine    
Sargo Porgy / sea bream    
Tamboril Monkfish    
Herb names in PortugueseSpice names in Portuguese

Herbs & Spices

Allspice Pimenta-Da-Jamaica
Anise Erva-doce
Basil Manjericấo
Bay Leaves Louro
Caraway Alcaravia
Cardamom Cardamomo
Cayenne Pimenta-de-Caiena
Celery Seed Aipo
Chilli Piri Piri
Chervil Cerefólio
Chives Cebolinha
Cinnamon Canela
Cloves Cravo
Coriander Coentro
Cumin Cominho
Dill Endro
Fennel Funcho
Garlic Alho
Ginger Gengibre
Marjoram Manjerona
Mint Hortelấ
Mustard Seed Mostarda
Nutmeg Noz-Moscada
Onion Cebola
Oregano Orégano
Paprika Pimentấo
Parsley Salsa
Pepper Pimenta
Poppy Seed Papoula
Rosemary Alecrim
Saffron Açafrấo
Sage Sálvia
Savory Segurelha
Sesame Seed Gergelim
Tarragon Estragấo
Thyme Tomilho
Vanilla Baunilha
Meat & PoultryMeat & Poultry

Meat ( Carne ) & Poultry ( Aves Domésticas )

Some help with choosing Meat...
Meat packaging may sometimes indicate cooking suitability, so look or ask for:
Grelhar - grilling,
Assar - roasting,
Cozer - boiling,
Estufar - stewing.

Frango Chicken
Perú Turkey
Pato Duck
Porco Pork
  Fiambre Ham
  Febras Pork steak
  Lombo de porco Pork loin
Vaca Beef
  Bife de vaca (bem passado) Beef steak (well done)
  Bife de vazia Sirloin steak
  Bifanas Pork thin steaks
  Bitoque Steak minute
  Picar Mince
Vitela Veal
Borrego Lamb
  Costeletas de borrego Lamb chops
Coelho Rabbit

Salad ( Salada ) & Ingredients

Portuguese Description
Salada de Tomate Tomato salad - most everything will be accompanied by this even roast dinners.
Salada Mista Mixed salad
Cenoura Carrot
Alface Lettuce
Cebola Onion
Tomatoe Tomato
Pepino Cucumber

Other Useful Sites A site which has more shopping words.
Portuguesefood Back home? Get your favourite Portuguese food 'find' delivered to you.